Sunday, February 21, 2010

Vamos a la playa!

Been stormy in LA, but the sun came out and we decided to head south to Newport Beach and visit Olive's boyfriend, Ryder.

But we are quite traditional and insisted that his parents, Cyndi and Ramsey, help chaperone the date.

Olive (now 7 months) is about a month older, but we are often asked if they are twins. They get along so well, and they both seem really into each other.

(I think Olive is hoping her dad will put away his camera and stop embarrassing her on her play date.)

Sorry Olive, you guys are under constant surveillance.

Because if I look away for one second, their hands are all over each other.

By the way.. Ryder, where exactly is your hand right now?

So to cool those two off, they took us to their favorite little spot called the Beachcomber. And as we waited for our table, Rebecca served up some carrots and turkey to Olive. (turkey is Olive's newest food).

And as we ordered our food, Olive started chewing on her doll.

And Ryder kept close watch on his lady.

Probably because Olive just turned into a cab driver from Jersey.

"Hey toots, can I get my muddah another round ovah here?"

"Geeze, da nerve of sum peeples.. Wots a guy gotta do ta buy his ma a drink?"

"Whatta ya mean no?"

"Oh. It looks like muddah has gotta drink, an she's drinkin it like a fish!"

"I think we gotta git outta here.."

"Check please!"

"Ha Ha Ha"

So after a LOVELY lunch, the sun came out and we decided to go for a walk on the beach.

It was just beautiful outside, with a cool sea breeze and all the great surf sounds that go with it.

Once again, Ive noticed there is just something so calming and stress free about being so near the Ocean.

Seems like a perfect time for a piggy back ride!

I think she likes it..

Being tall is AWESOME!!!

She just LOVED being up on my shoulders and we were giggling the whole time. (But after a while, daddy got a little tired, and started wheezing so he gave her back to mommy..

And Olive wasted no time trying to catch Ryder's eye..

And after a while, it was time for a nap, and with the wind blowing, we didnt want her to get cold, so we bundled her in the Bjorn. (hope she's ok in there..)

Snuggly and warm..!

We actually walked all the way down to that far stretch of land. When we got there, the kids were having a ball, but the parents were tired and needed some drinks.. So with moaning calves we started our return.

Once back in the neighborhood, we grabbed some coffee, hit up a great little playground and jumped on the swings.. (all those pics were blurry) And on the way back we swung by this guy's incredible front lawn, where its been transformed into a giant train set.

And then Ryder and Olive said their teary goodbyes and we came back to LA.

Such a lovely day with great friends. Thanks guys!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Swingin on Valentines day..

Yeeee Haaaa!!!! Olive enjoys some big air with her new back yard swing.

I think Kevin gets his touch from all that tennis he plays.

Uncle Jason stopped by as well as Uncle Ray, Uncle Mike, Grandma Rachel, and Uncle Kev and Aunt Catherine..

Olive is really starting to connect with you when you are around her. She gazes into your eyes and draws you near, and then does that tongue thing and spits all over your face.


While Jason toweled off, it was Catherine's turn!

Olive puts in her order for a White Russian on the rocks.

Kevin reacts appropriately.

Kevin asks for some I.D.

But then just tickles her instead. (a classic Uncle move that works every time..)

Two happy ladies..!

Ok, time to get back in the swing of things..

The afternoon was just beautiful and it was just right for lounging in the back yard for a pic nic.

And inbetween the laughter and action, Aunt Catherine and Olive have a little moment of their own.

BBBBBBBbbbbbbbrrrrrahhhhhhhaaaaabbbbbbbbbb!!!!! (Ha ha Catherine, you got sprayed.. Jason, hand her the towel)

Kev getting the hang of things. Id say he's got it down.

More Uncle time means more smiles..

Speaking of Uncles, Jason got in for another round of Olives.

She loved hanging with the family today..

Showing off her two front teeth that just arrived.

Thanks everyone for joining us and especially Ray. (Olive loves having her uncles around and we already are looking forward to the next backyard 'reunion'). Hope the worst is behind you Ray, and health and happiness are just ahead!

Saturday, February 13, 2010


So what started as a little needle point piercing through her lower gum, has now become two full on baby teeth.

All within the last 10 days! To Olive's credit, she was pretty happy during the process, although her toys got chewed on 24-7.

I would have taken pictures and posted sooner, but those teeth were so small and Olive so squirmy that it just wasnt going to happen.

But now that they are in, and a third one up top is on the way, O has been much happier. And so have the parents (and all of her well chewed toys).

She has been an absolute joy, and is getting happier by the day. We have slowly been introducing new mushy foods to her.. Carrots, peas, jalapenos, chicken, and turkey.

And no, we did not attempt to feed our baby jalapenos (although Im sure the Albuquerque in her would have loved it. :)

As evidenced by these photos, she is extremely inquisitive and playful, even with a big empty table in front of her.

She has been growing by the day, and we are looking forward to having family over for a nice Valentines day BBQ tomorrow.

Have a great day!